What is Green Coffee Bean Extract?
Green coffee bean extract is a supplement that helps you burn fat faster. It works best when it’s in its pure green, plant form. Its fat-burning properties are destroyed when the beans are roasted to make the coffee that you drink. So, you can’t get it from the coffee itself.
How does it work?
It is not the caffeine because according to The Dr. Oz Show, this supplement is nearly caffeine-free. There are antioxidants in this extract that melt your fat away.
How much weight can you lose?
The Dr. Oz Show conducted an experiment last year among his studio audience and chose women between ages 35-49, bmi of 25-45, no history of diabetes, heart attack or stroke and not pregnant or breast feeding to participate. All participants were asked to make a food log for 2 weeks, that way the researchers could see if the individual weight-loss was attributed to the extract or other factors in their diet. They had to have the same things in their diet every day to make sure they were testing what they wanted to test.
Was the weight-loss attributed to the green coffee bean extract or not?
Yes it was! The participants lost an average of 2 pounds in 2 weeks, which is considered a safe and healthy amount in that time frame.
Here are some quick facts about Green Coffee Bean Extract:
- Features 800 mg of clinically proven Green Coffee Bean Extract per capsule
- Burns both sugar and fat, and slows the release of sugar into the bloodstream
- Safe and effective weight loss supplement
- Made of pure, natural ingredients
- Made in the USA under Strict GMP Guidelines in a FDA Registered Facility
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